Home Office Design: 9 ways you can create the perfect space to work from home

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Our workspace can make a big difference when it comes to our motivation and productivity, which can sometimes make working from home a little tricky. In the office, you have full access to company kit and don’t have to balance your schedule with young children or resist the temptation of turning to familiar home comforts. You also have to battle with issues such as spacing. However, just because things might be a little cramped, it doesn’t mean you can’t create the ultimate space to work from home.

We have put together 10 home office design ideas that will help you stay focused and make the most of the space you have available. Using our tips and tricks, plus a little creativity, you can create an inspiring home office that will help you stay motivated and productive.

What do I need for my home office?

Sitting down to do some work and realising you don’t have a piece of equipment or the storage space you need can be frustrating. If you want to make sure you have everything you need for your new working space – here is a list of considerations when coming up with ideas for your new small home office.

  • How much space do you require?
  • What storage will you need for documents and equipment?
  • Do you need a printer?
  • Which room is going to have the least distractions?
  • Do you need a strong internet connection for video calls?
  • Do you spend a lot of the time on the phone?
  • Do you need access to a library of books?

Once you have figured these out, you’re ready to design your ultimate home office. Here are our expert tips to help you get it just right:

Home office design ideas

1. Create a dedicated office zone

Turning a specific area of your house into the home office will help you associate this spot with your work. It also gives you a space to get creative when it comes to home office design. Making your office zone multi-purpose can help you save space. A clever example would be using a spare room as a desk space that can also be a dressing table when guests come to stay. Keeping your home office design similar to the layout of the rest of the room will help it go unnoticed when not in use.

2. Consider the tech you need to work


This is something you should consider when choosing your office space. You don’t want to set up your desk then find you’re short on plug sockets for the likes of lighting, computers and printers. For the ultimate desk space, it may be worth investing in power packs and flexible plastic trunking so you can add a music system, charging points and even a mini-fridge or coffee machine to your home office. These small luxuries will give you the lift you need to get through the working day and help make your desk feel a little less plain. As well as your tech, leaving space for items such as pictures or ornaments will add a personal touch.

3. Invest in the best desk set up that fits your budget


Buying a desk that you like is important when it comes to home office design. It should fit nicely in the space you’ve chosen, accommodate all of your equipment, and be a design you like the look of. There is a whole range of desks to choose from; finding one you like will help you stay productive and comfortable in your home office.  When you choose your desk and other items that make up your home office, make sure they’re colours and materials that fit your personality. You’ll be far happier working in an environment you think looks good and matches the layout of the rest of your home.

4. Find the ultimate office chair


Your office chair is an integral part of your home office set up. A comfortable chair can make all the difference to a day working from home, dragging one from the living room that is too short, not particularly comfy and doesn’t match the design of your home office will leave you with a lack of motivation and a sore back. Once you find an ergonomic, stylish chair to add to your home office, you’ll be ready to take on the day as soon as you sit down. If you would like more information to help guide your purchase, check out our office chair guide

5. Keep it free from clutter


You won’t feel motivated sat at a messy desk. Keeping it clutter-free will prevent you from distractions and allow you to stay organised throughout your day at work. A smart storage unit will give you somewhere to keep your important documents and make a fashionable addition to your new home office design. Consider the space and equipment you are using when ordering a new unit, it could become a handy resting place for a printer or speaker.

6. Allow plenty of natural light


Lighting can have a big influence on our mood. Letting natural light in, particularly on a rare sunny day, can lift our spirits and make your home office more like a place you want to be in, rather than have to be in. Daylight will also pay a fine compliment to your home office design, just remember to consider glare if you’re using a computer.

7. Set goals and expectations 


Visualising your calendar can help you keep track of deadlines and motivate you towards achieving your goals. A noticeboard is an effective way of keeping you focused on the tasks you have to do that day. Using these visual reminders is a smart home office design idea for those who find working from home distracting. Why not try personalising your noticeboard? This will add an attractive feature to your stylish new office space.

8. Overstock


Once you’re happy with your small home office design, it’s a smart idea to overstock with essentials such as pens, paper and any other equipment you need to do your job. You won’t settle in your new work environment if you’re constantly getting up to look for a replacement pen or items like staplers and rulers. A well-stocked desk will mean you can sit tight at your desk with everything you need and have a productive day.

9. Why not try the garden?


If the weather is surprisingly nice, being stuck inside can leave us feeling down – why not take your office outside? If you have the space to do so, working outside could even result in a pleasant day at work! Just remember to consider all the things you need to get your work done.

Home office design ideas for two people

If you’re looking for inspiration for home office design ideas for two, here are some top tips to help you work together smoothly in an office space you’re both happy in.

Make sure there is enough equipment

It’s a recipe for disaster if you only have enough office supplies for one person. It means if one of you is using something, the other person doesn’t have the resources they need to do their job. Ensuring there is always enough for the both of you will help you remain productive throughout the day. While this applies to supplies, it should also be the case for the likes of office chairs. It isn’t fair if one person has a great office chair and the other has to settle for an uncomfortable wooden chair from the dining room.

Consider the extra storage requirements

With your home office design accommodating two people, it’s smart to consider your extra storage needs. A storage unit for each of you will help make sure you both have enough storage, but also ensure that documents don’t get mixed up. Cluttered desks or missing documents can lead to unnecessary extra work.

Communicate when it comes to design

We have discussed the difference it can make to your day working in an environment you’re happy in. Communication is always important when working in the same office space as someone else, and this is no different when it comes to design. Communicate and agree on the furniture and equipment you want to purchase for your office, making it a space you both want to work in.


With remote working becoming more popular in modern businesses, having a working from home space where you’re happy and productive is becoming increasingly important. With our advice you can create an environment where you can feel focused and ready to get your head down, that isn’t too intrusive in your home