Get proactive against the winter blues: five tips to get you through the darkest part of the year
When nights become longer than days and less and less sunlight shines through the window or onto the desk, one thing is unmistakably clear: the dark and cold season has arrived. For many of us, that means a growing risk of the winter blues. But we can prevent them! Here at Viking, we’ve gathered five practical tips to ward off cold-weather depression. Our motto: as soon as it gets uncomfortable outside, we turn the office into a comfort zone. Here’s how we do it:
- Get enough warmth
Cold makes the body uncomfortable, while warmth is pure energy. If you keep your hands and feet warm, you ensure that the mucous membranes in your nose and throat get enough blood circulated to them. This strengthens your immune system. Some simple tools for doing this include a heated bath mat or a hot cup of soup.
- Chat with colleagues
One common reason that people feel down during the winter is that they’re not getting enough social contact. Because of the pandemic, this is especially worrying this year; not having someone in the same space to talk with during the low-light season can put a damper on any temperament. This winter, people who have problems, whether in their private lives or professional ones, will be particularly at risk. It can help to have a simple chat with a colleague, ideally over a cup of tea or coffee – even over video conference. Here, you can find the ideal webcam for a collegial chat.
- Hot and cold water
To start your day fully awake, try alternating temperatures during your shower. Going between warm and cold water gets the blood pumping and stimulates circulation. This can boost your immune system, metabolism and mood! Our hot tip? Start with warm water, then alternate temperatures twice before drying off on a cosy bath mat.
- Regular ventilation
We don’t need to point out that everyone’s concerned about the risks of infection right now. Even in the case of a simple cold, the dry heated air you find indoors during the winter encourages the spread of virus and bacteria in our mucous membranes. Our suggestion: in between tasks, open the door or window to get some fresh air. At home or in the office, regular ventilation can provide your membranes with fresh oxygen despite the heated air.
- Décor and light
Ambience is a decisive factor in what makes us feel comfortable in a room. Plants and decoration contribute to a good ambience and don’t require much effort: just a few plants in colourful pots can create a lively accent at home or in the office. Want another mood enhancer that’s par excellence? Photos of family and friends can spark pleasant memories. Don’t forget the influence of lamps and lighting. Warm and cosy light in a room can compensate for the lack of it outdoors.
Are you feeling inspired by our tips? Are you looking for tools to help combat the winter blues? Check out our range of products.
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